By Knirsch - Produtos, Projetos e Consultorias
  Uma Entrevista com Jorge Knirsch

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powerline Audiófilo lf-115

  Veja os comentários de Fernando Sampaio (RJ) a respeito de fiação sólida e aterramento do neutro.
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  Novos Cabos de Energia By Knirsch para instalações elétricas em áudio/vídeo
 Power Cable AC-25, 40
,60 e 100
  Antes de construir, otimizamos as medidas da sua sala de audição,
 Home Theater
, e afins.


By Jorge Knirsch


             The electrical supply and its wiring which feeds audio and video equipment is the second most important factor (around 33% percent)  after acoustics, for the reproduction of sound. Reducing the garbage from electrical energy, that is, from its harmonics (%THD)  improves listening and the soundstage.

 © 2004-2008 Jorge Bruno Fritz Knirsch
All rights reserved

●           The general universal rule applies here as well : less is more, that is, in case of doubt and lack of knowledge regarding what to do with electrical energy it's better not to do anything. In other words, don't add anything to the power supply network because the risk of increasing electrical energy's harmonic contents  is much greater than reducing it, without detailed knowledge about the situation. Below we offer a practical guide in simple and efficient terms, to be followed when optimizing electrical wiring.

●              The use of dedicated and exclusive wiring stemming from the installation's general mains supply input box towards the audio and video equipment setup is recommendable, for reducing harmonic contamination  on the audio/video system to be supplied.  

●                Since breakers and fuses are protection components used in series with the power main, those possessing the least impedance, which are fuses, should be used in electrical feeding applications for audio and video. Therefore, in all circuits destined to audio and video we should prefer using fuses. This is quite apt, mainly in studios. The reason for this is that the breaker elements in fuses, normally called fuse links, possess smaller impedance values than the sum of short-circuit coils and the breakers' bimetallic resistances.

●                The dedicated wiring for feeding equipment must use solid-core wires, also called non-flexible, hard wires, for wiring phases and neutral, and flexible wiring for grounding. Solid-core wiring, compared to flexible wires of the same gauge, present greater increase in impedance values at high frequencies due to the Skin effect. This characteristic of solid-core wires helps reduce the flux of harmonics through the power line.

●                The Electrical contacts created by pressure of elements present lower resistance values more than soldered contacts. Therefore, at the power line electrical wiring joints, it's recommended to avoid solders possessing tin/lead.

●                It is important to improve the grounding of the neutral  at our power main, because it is mainly a raised electrical network, and possesses inadequate neutral pole grounding for this reason! Applying a grounding shield to the installation's surfaces is more recommended in order to lower neutral pole impedance, which adds to the electrical voltage stability and drastically reduces noise.

●                Earth grounding should be carried out as per the earth-earth grounding norm NBR5410 (in Brazil), from within the neutral pole grounding, so as to improve safety and reduce noise. At the principle power mains box, mostly in studios, where the neutral and earth poles lie, we may set up a system which allows changing an earth-earth grounding to earth-neutral pole grounding, when the studio is not being used, which aims to improve safety.

●               We recommend that transformers, line filters, voltage stabilizers, no-breaks and ferrite cores around power cables be avoided, for they are the greatest culprits of harmonics in the power main.

●              Whenever necessary, the best thing to do is using just neutral and minimalist extenders, avoiding line filters with components in series.

●               Finally, for filtering, the ideal thing is to use power conditioners possessing all inner components in parallel with the power main.






  By Knirsch-Produtos Projetos e Instalações
© 2010-2020 Jorge Bruno Fritz Knirsch
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